Saturday, November 7, 2009

Home Alone

Well it wasn't like the movie.but it is strange to be alone (that would be Barbara) on the boat in Panama. All went well with day one of being a single hander. I did get the outboard off the dinghy and back on the boat - it took some doing. Michael did make it to the mainland and this morning (Saturday) SHOULD be on his way to Portland - an all day adventure. He connected with some old friends from St. Petersburg (Ginger and John) and enjoyed a little time with them in Panama City. They left on the same plane he did from Porvenir - talk about weird encounters.

It's a damp day - not enough for water collection - just annoying drizzle that keeps the solar panels from not working. People come and go in Porvenir - so the "Bay movies" are fun to watch. Our traveling friends from Tumshi will get here Monday - so I'll have some company for at least a day. I'll make them dinner for their efforts to give up good island time to come here.

I did get a few lobsters yesterday (for $3 - sorry Margie) and cooked them up for today's dinner. The Kuna ladies though are persistent about selling their jewelry and molas. They'll stay at the boat for a long time. I hope I don't cave and buy more stuff!!!

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